
Students are allowed to bring in non-food items/small gift bags with things like a pencil, an eraser, a ring, a toy, etc. to share with the class. Another option is to send a small treat for students to have at snack time. Please provide any utensils and napkins that are needed.

Birthday Treat Guidelines: invitations: If you send birthday invitations to school for students, please include everyone in the class OR all the boys OR all the girls.  We are unable to distribute select invitations to individual students. 

Water Bottles

Kindergarteners need to bring a FULL, pop (sports) top water bottle to school each day. The bottles are kept at their seats for the day and are not taken to the cafeteria for lunch. Separate "lunch water bottles" should be included in the lunch boxes.


We have an afternoon snack time. Please make sure to pack 2-3 snacks that are healthy and are able to be quickly eaten. Because lunch is so early, students are hungry come this time. If you are sending your student with a lunchbox, please pack the snacks separately so they do not get eaten at lunch time. 

Classroom Families' Contact Information

The school will compile a Directory on Tap app (DOT) of PCK families who give permission to release their contact information. 

Dress Code

Kindergarteners won't receive dress code violations. Instead we use a "Kindergarten notification form" to let you know when your child's appearance violates dress code. The form is simply a communication tool, to help you understand our school wide policies, and does not come from the front office. Once your child moves on to First Grade and beyond, he/she will receive dress code infractions from the front office. 

We often see these dress code violations and will work to remind you: